What Is DISA STIG? STIG Security + STIG Viewer Demo
DISA STIG security guidelines are important, as they help ensure that your software is secure. Here, we explain what is DISA STIG, how to implement them, and STIG security.
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Back to topWhat Is DISA STIG?
DISA STIG refers to an organization (DISA — Defense Information Systems Agency) that provides technical guides (STIG — Security Technical Implementation Guide).
DISA is part of the Department of Defense (DoD). It's a combat support agency that provides IT and communication support to all institutes and individuals working for the DoD. DISA oversees the IT and technological aspects of organizing, delivering, and managing defense-related information.
This includes STIG guidelines. These guides outline how an organization should handle and manage security software and systems.
📕 Related Resources: Learn how key secure coding standards can help protect your code.
Back to topWhat Is STIG Security?
Back to topSTIG security refers to Security Technical Information Guides (STIG) are security guidelines from DISA. There are 100s of STIGs maintained and updated by DoD.
Complete STIG Security List
There's a complete STIG security list that provides critical updates on the standards for DoD IA and IA-enabled devices/systems. Each STIG provides technical guidance to secure information systems/software that might otherwise be vulnerable.
The DoD regularly updates STIGs to ensure that developers are able to:
- Configure hardware and software properly.
- Implement security protocols.
- Organize training processes.
You can use the STIG list to identify potential weaknesses in your code.
📕 Related Resource: Explore How to Ensure Compliance with DISA STIGs
But the best way to use the STIG list is by pairing it with a SAST tool. SAST tools like Klocwork help you to identify security weaknesses faster.
📕 Related Content: Review the SAST tutorial for additional software security resources.
Back to topWhat Are DISA STIG Compliance Levels?
There are three DISA STIG compliance levels, called categories. The categories indicate the severity of the risk of failing to address a particular weakness.
From most to least severe, these are:
- Category I.
- Category II.
- Category III.
Category I
Category I refers to any vulnerability that will directly and immediately result in loss of confidentiality, availability, or integrity. What’s more, these vulnerabilities can allow unauthorized access to classified data or facilities. This can lead to a denial of service or access.
These risks are the most severe. They may result in loss of life, damage to facilities, or a mission failure. If you don't address these risks, you won't be granted an Authorization to Operate.
The only exceptions are:
- When the system is critical.
- When a failure to use the system could lead to a failed mission.
Category II
Category II refers to any vulnerability that can result in loss of confidentiality, availability, or integrity.
Category II vulnerabilities can:
- Lead to a Category I vulnerability.
- Result in personal injury, damage to equipment or facilities.
- Degrade a mission.
Category III
Category III refers to any vulnerability that degrades measures to protect against loss of confidentiality, availability, or integrity.
Category III vulnerabilities can:
- Lead to a Category II vulnerability.
- Delay in recovering from an outage.
- Affect the accuracy of data and information.
Back to topProtect against the top 10 security vulnerabilities. Get the white paper to learn how.
➡️ Download the White Paper: Top 10 Security vulnerabilities
How to Comply with DISA and Implement DISA STIG Security? How a STIG Viewer Can Help
The best way to implement secure coding standards is to use a static code analyzer — like Klocwork.
1. Get Klocwork for STIG Security
Static code analyzers enforce coding rules and flag security violations. Klocwork comes with code security taxonomies to ensure secure software.
Each one includes:
- Fully documented rule enforcement and message interpretation.
- Fully configurable rules processing.
- Compliance reports for security audits.
2. Use Klocwork to Check the STIG Security List
Running static analysis is an important part of the process of developing secure software. You can use it to comply with IEC 61508 requirements.
Klocwork can also check your code against the security weakness list. It automatically flags violations and enforces secure coding guidelines. Plus, Klocwork provides security reports on how well your code is compliant.
3. Use Klocwork to Export DISA STIG Security Rule Violations via the Desktop STIG Viewer
Klocwork provides coverage for the DISA ASD STIG rules (both V4 and V5). This is especially useful for federal accounts that have an obligation to demonstrate compliance to the NIST RMF for software to be deployed in a federal environment (e.g., the U.S. DoD).
Klocwork is currently the only static analysis product available that exports STIG rule violations to the Desktop STIG Viewer, which displays those rule violations by severity categories, so that developers can determine which violations should be addressed sooner. It also shows which Klocwork checkers were triggered in the code, resulting in each rule violation, including the location in the code where they were triggered.
In the following demo video, we show you how to export rule violations to the Desktop STIG Viewer, and how to display a complete list of all the vulnerabilities that were discovered during a static analysis of your code.
Desktop STIG Viewer demo video with Klocwork
Back to topEnsure DISA STIG Security with Klocwork
DISA STIG security guidelines are important for software developed for the DoD. And using Klocwork can help you ensure your code is secure.
That's because Klocwork is the most trusted static analyzer for C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Python, and Kotlin coding languages.
See for yourself how Klocwork can help you ensure secure software and systems. Register for a free 7-day trial.
➡️ Sign Up for Klocwork free trial
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