Why Use the PV-WAVE Visual Data Analysis Tool?
PV-WAVE is an array-oriented fourth-generation programming language with a rich set of analysis routines (based on IMSL Numerical Libraries). It’s used by engineers, scientists, researchers, business analysts, and software developers to build and deploy visual data analysis (VDA) applications.
Use PV-WAVE to meet your data analysis requirements efficiently and accurate. With this visual data analysis tool, you can rapidly import, manipulate, analyze, and visualize data.
By using PV-WAVE, you can turn insights and data into meaningful graphics. You can manipulate and visualize complex or extremely large technical datasets to detect and display patterns, trends, anomalies, or other vital information. Plus, you can quickly import, manipulate, and interpret your data visually in an easy-to-use framework.
What sets PV-WAVE apart is repeatability. You can leverage automation in PV-WAVE to develop a model for data visualization — and run it over and over again.
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How PV-WAVE Works
What PV-WAVE Does
PV-WAVE can help you:
- Manipulate and visualize simple-to-complex datasets.
- Detect and display patterns, trends, anomalies, and other vital information.
- Deliver powerful image and signal processing, data import and export, 3D surface, plot, histogram, contour, animation, color editor, and a database table display.
- Incorporate sophisticated analysis routines based on the industry-standard IMSL Numerical Libraries for reliable and precise numerical analysis.
How to Expand PV-WAVE to Solve Specific Problems
To solve more specific problems, you can add PV-WAVE Toolkits for image and signal processing. For specific details on each toolkit read the product brief.
Image Processing Toolkit
The PV-WAVE Image Processing Toolkit includes an extensive set of filters, transforms, and image processing operators. The Image Processing Toolkit is designed to meet the needs of even the most demanding image processing application.
The fields of computer vision and pattern recognition often overlap with digital image processing (IP) and they use the following processing techniques: segmentation, classification, and difference analysis. All of these operations are built upon a basic set of IP routines.

Signal Processing Toolkit
The PV-WAVE Signal Processing Toolkit provides a broad selection of predefined and readily customized digital signal processing (DSP) functions. It’s designed to improve data analysis and simulations.
Filters are transfer-function-based for easy design, analysis, and realization of custom filters. The toolkit includes functions and procedures for the Fourier and Wavelet analysis of a signal, as well as utilities and source code to facilitate custom function development.

Database Connection Toolkit
The PV-WAVE Database Connection Toolkit allows data from an external database to be imported into PV-WAVE.
A data source can be directly connected from within PV-WAVE, eliminating the need to export data to a file before importing. Direct link between Oracle, Sybase, or ODBC database are available with the Database Connection Toolkit.

Key Features of Visual Data Analysis Tool
Here are the key features of the PV-WAVE visual data analysis tool.
- Array-Based Language
- Numerics
- Graphics
- Data Import / Export
- Open Architecture
- GUI Development & Visual Data Analysis Tools
Array-Based Language
This visual data analysis tool offers an array-based language with:
- Loosely-typed and extensible 4GL with an interactive command-line interface to an event-driven interpreter.
- Commands can be interactively interpreted or compiled into programs.
- Sessions can be saved and restored.
- Support for functions, subroutines, global, and local variables.
- Complete set of data types for constants and variables (byte, integer, long integer, floating point, complex, double precision, double precision complex, string, date/time) in a variety of structures (scalar, array, table, structure, list, associative array).
- Arrays of up to eight dimensions.
- Operators work on both scalars and arrays.
- Looping and branching constructs.
- Arrays can be subscripted conventionally or subscripted with other arrays.
- Execute commands contained in strings.
- Debugging utilities.
- Powerful and convenient array creation/manipulation functions.
- Complete set of utilities for processing string and date/time variables.
- Trap and handle errors.
- SQL-like query functions for tables.
- Context-sensitive online help.
- Full online documentation set.
This visual data analysis tool offers:
- Operators (array-enabled): numeric, relational, Boolean.
- Common functions (array-enabled): abs, min, max, trigonometric, hyperbolic, and more.
- Special functions (array-enabled): Bessel, error, gamma, and more.
- Tensor functions: generalized tensor products, traces, transpositions.
- Filters: multidimensional, convolution, parametric, polynomial, relational, Boolean.
- Linear systems: inversion, determinants, decomposition, roots, least-squares, full and sparse matrix support, generalized eigensystems.
- Nonlinear equations: systems, roots of polynomials, and functions.
- Transforms: Laplace, multidimensional FFT.
- Quadrature: multivariate differentiation and integration.
- Differential equations: systems, ODEs, PDEs.
- Optimization: multivariate, linear and nonlinear, constrained and unconstrained.
- Interpolation and approximation: multidimensional gridding, n-linear interpolation, multivariate polynomials, multivariate splines.
- Regression: multivariate, linear, polynomial, nonlinear.
- Basic statistics: simple summary statistics, histograms, nonparametric statistics, goodness-of-fit tests, tabulation, sorting, ranking.
- Correlation and covariance.
- Analysis of variance.
- Categorical and discrete data analysis.
- Time series and forecasting: autocorrelation, autoregression, lack-of-fit, GARCH.
- Multivariate cluster and factor analysis.
- Survival analysis.
- Probability distribution functions and random number generation.
This visual data analysis tool includes:
- Plotting: 2D and 3D line, 2D and 3D scatter, 2D and 3D vector, 2D and 3D bar, 2D and 3D contours, meshed and shaded surfaces.
- Basic image processing: equalize, scale, shrink, expand, warp, zoom, pan, copy, rotate, threshold, profile, smooth, convolve, erode, and dilate images; filters (predefined and user-defined); define and analyze irregular regions of interest; algebraic operations; 3D projection.
- Polygonal rendering: 3D mesh generation, iso-surfaces, light source control.
- Volume rendering: isosurfaces, opacity, diffusivity, shading, slicing, light source control.
- Mapping: comprehensive geopolitical world database; wide variety of projections; overlay lines, images, contours, and vectors; support for user-supplied databases and projections.
- Annotation: flexible axis, line and symbol styles; scalable/rotatable software/hardware fonts.
- Additional graphics features: Animation, comprehensive colortable control, 3D view control, and VRML support.
Data Import / Export
This visual data analysis tool includes support for:
- Formatted and unformatted read/write.
- XDR read/write.
- HDF read/write.
- HDF5 read/write.
- Powerful ASCII read/write.
- XML.
- 8- and 24-bit image import/export (support for wide variety of image formats).
Open Architecture
This visual data analysis tool includes the following:
- Spawn sub-tasks, transfer data via bi-directional pipes.
- Call PV-WAVE from a C or Fortran program.
- Call C or Fortran code from PV-WAVE.
- Communicate between PV-WAVE and another application via remote procedure calls.
- Create an optional PV-WAVE module using the options programming interface.
GUI Development & Visual Data Analysis Tools
PV-WAVE includes graphical user interface development features:
- Comprehensive set of high-level and low-level widgets
- Resource file support and string services
PV-WAVE also includes visual data analysis tools:
- Super-widgets allow non-programmers to do animation, image analysis, line plots, scatter plots, surface plots, contour plots, histogram plots, color table manipulation, variable manipulation, and data import/export.
Hear From PV-WAVE Users

Carnegie Institution of Washington
Customer Case Study

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Customer Case Study

Paul Scherrer Institute
Customer Case Study