Helix QAC 2019.1 Boasts An Improved Analysis Dashboard
With Helix QAC’s Dashboard (formerly QA Verify), you can consolidate and track static analysis results to ensure your entire team is in sync throughout a project’s development.
Manage Projects More Effectively With QAC Dashboard
We recommend Helix QAC is installed on every developer’s desktop. In this way, code is checked as they work. Coding rule violations and common bugs can be eliminated at the earliest possible stage. It is important for every project team member to analyze against a consistent set of rules. And, the Helix QAC Dashboard now helps you to achieve this.
Back to topWhat is QAC Dashboard?
Helix QAC Dashboard (formerly QA Verify) is a centralized store of analysis results, accessed through a web browser. Results are uploaded to the Dashboard as ‘snapshots’. Customized views and reports mean that project code quality and compliance metrics can be monitored over time.
The Dashboard is fully customizable, enabling you to tailor its rows and columns to more adequately meet your team’s and project’s needs. On the Dashboard home screen, you are able to review the entirety of the code by project and section. In addition, you can:
- Identify issues and deviations.
- Review project updates and notifications.
- Assign rule configurations (such as MISRA, AUTOSAR, and CERT).
- Verify how compliant the code is with coding standards and industry best practices.
- Measure overall code quality.
- Monitor developing trends.

Each aspect of the Dashboard has been designed to support your team’s goals and ensure that everyone is in sync.
Conduct Granular Code Analysis
The Dashboard enables you to easily create charts and graphs based upon key metrics. Each metric has a default threshold — which can also be customized to meet your project’s specific needs — to help your team produce high-quality code. Depending on what you track and monitor, you can choose to focus on one metric — such as cyclomatic complexity — or multiple metrics.
In addition, for any function you can view it as a function structure diagram. The diagram allows you to visually see the code’s complexity, and the different decision paths.
Easily Add Annotations and Assign Tasks
Within the Dashboard you can add an annotation against a line of code or a diagnostic. An annotation is a note that allows you to communicate issue to your project team members.
You can schedule an annotation report to be emailed to specific individuals, or your entire team. Alternatively, you can post an annotation to an issue management system such as Jira.
Effectively Manage Deviations
When you review rule violations in the Dashboard, if needed you can create rule deviations. A deviation is a way of saying “we understand that the code in this location violates a rule, but here is the justification for it”.
You then have the option of suppressing that specific rule violation, or every instance currently found within the code. If you choose, you can suppress the rule violation throughout the remainder of the project’s development.
Regardless of which option you choose, the Dashboard will provide you with an opportunity to provide an explanation for why the decision was made to ignore that particular violation.
The heat map provides a great way to visualize the rule violations present in the code. The map assigns hues to portions of the code based upon the severity and quantity of violations. You can then click on a section to review the violations.
Monitor Projects With Customizable Reports
In addition to providing you with a holistic view of the code, you can also run reports from the Dashboard. Reports let you track and view:
- The complexity of the code.
- All the annotations made either in a specific section or for the entire source code.
- How compliant the code is with coding standards and industry best practices.
- Any suppressions that have been implemented.
- The functional structure of the code.
For any report that you make, you can save its design to reuse again on other projects.
In addition, at any time, you can run retrospective reports, which will display metrics from a specific version of the code to better assess the project’s progress and overall quality.
Back to topAdditional Updates in Helix QAC 2019.1
Helix QAC 2019.1 includes other updates, such as the following enhancements:
- Integrated support for inter-thread defect detection.
- Improved compliance coverage for CERT, MISRA, and AUTOSAR.
- Accelerated performance for analysis and synchronization.
Read more about the enhancements introduced in Helix QAC 2019.1.
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