What's New in Helix TeamHub 2024.5?

This release only includes changes to support Helix DAM.  

There are also a number of enhancements in this release. See the full release notes for details. 

What's New in Helix TeamHub 2024.4?

This release only includes changes to support Helix DAM.  

Helix DAM now only supports the following hook types: webhook, email, Jira, Jenkins, and Slack. 

There are also a number of enhancements in this release. See the full release notes for details. 

What's New in Helix TeamHub 2024.3?

This release only includes changes to support Helix DAM.   

There are a number of enhancements and bug fixes in this release. See the full release notes for details. 

What's New in Helix TeamHub 2024.2?

This release only includes changes to support Helix DAM. There are no bug fixes in this release. 

There are a number of enhancements in this release. See the full release notes for details.

What's New in Helix TeamHub 2024.1?

This release only includes changes to support Helix DAM.  

There are a number of enhancements and bug fixes in this release. See the full release notes for details.

What's New in Helix TeamHub 2023.5?

This release only includes changes to support Helix DAM. 

There are a number of enhancements in this release. See the full release notes for details.


What's New in Helix TeamHub 2023.4?


Helix TeamHub 2023.4 introduces a few important enhancements and upgrades. 

Please note that this release does not support Elasticsearch 7. You will need to update your systems to Elasticsearch 8 prior to upgrading.

Upgrade Instructions

The follow upgrade instructions are only required when using code search with Elasticsearch. Follow the instructions based on when your Elasticsearch index was created. Code search is not available during the Elasticsearch 8 upgrade.

If the current Elasticsearch index was created with Helix TeamHub 2022.1 or later (index created on Elasticsearch version 7.x):

1. Disable code search by setting search_engine as none in the backend section in /var/opt/hth/shared/hth.json.

2. Reconfigure any combo or web nodes.

3. Restore the search_engine back to Elasticsearch, but do not run reconfigure yet.

4. Upgrade Elasticsearch instances to version 8.x (https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/setup-upgrade.html) using the rolling restart upgrade (https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/restart-cluster.html#restart-cluster-rolling).

5. Upgrade and reconfigure Helix TeamHub instances (https://www.perforce.com/manuals/teamhub-admin/Content/HTH-Admin/upgrade.html).

6. Perform an incremental reindex for the instance as the hth user on the combo or web node (https://www.perforce.com/manuals/teamhub-admin/Content/HTH-Admin/search.html#Index_management):

sudo -u hth -i
cd /opt/hth/application/backend/current/
bundle exec rake hth:search:reindex_instance


If the Elasticsearch index was created with Helix TeamHub 2021.1 or earlier (index created on Elasticsearch version 6.x):

1. Disable code search from company settings: https://www.perforce.com/manuals/teamhub-admin/Content/HTH-Admin/search.html#Enabling_search

2. Delete the current Elasticsearch index on the combo or web node (https://www.perforce.com/manuals/teamhub-admin/Content/HTH-Admin/search.html#Index_management):

sudo su - hth
cd /opt/hth/application/backend/current/
bundle exec rake hth:search:delete_index


3. Upgrade Elasticsearch instances to version 8.x (https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/setup-upgrade.html) using the rolling restart upgrade (https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/restart-cluster.html#restart-cluster-rolling).

4. Upgrade and reconfigure Helix TeamHub instances (https://www.perforce.com/manuals/teamhub-admin/Content/HTH-Admin/upgrade.html).

5. Create the index as the hth user on the combo or web node:

sudo -u hth -i
cd /opt/hth/application/backend/current/
bundle exec rake hth:search:create_index


6. Enable code search from company settings to perform full reindex: https://www.perforce.com/manuals/teamhub-admin/Content/HTH-Admin/search.html#Enabling_search


  • Add support for Elasticsearch 8 for code search.
  • Upgrade OpenSSL to 1.1.1w.
  • Upgrade Curl to 8.4.0. 


What's New in Helix TeamHub 2023.3?


Helix TeamHub 2023.3

Helix TeamHub 2023.3 introduces a few important security enhancements and upgrades.


  • Upgrade Git to 2.42.0.
  • Upgrade Redis to 7.0.12.
  • Upgrade Rails to
  • Upgrade OpenSSL 1.1.1v.
  • Upgrade bundled OpenSSH to 9.4p1.
  • Upgrade Python to 3.11.5.

Bug Fixes

  • Important security fixes. 

What's New in Helix TeamHub 2023.2?


Helix TeamHub 2023.2 introduces new way to create and manage webhooks. The existing hooks feature is still available, but will eventually be deprecated and replaced with the new webhooks.

Support for Ubuntu 18 was deprecated and packages are no longer provided.

Upgrade Instructions

Ensure you are using Helix TeamHub 2023.1 or later before upgrading to 2023.2.The following upgrade instructions are only needed when MongoDB is configured to use authentication:

1. Before upgrading HTH package, execute the following on Combo or DB nodes (replace adminuser/adminpass with MongoDB admin credentials):

/opt/hth/embedded/bin/mongo --username adminuser --password adminpass --port 4002 --eval 'db.adminCommand( { setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: "5.0" } )'

2. Verify the featureCompatibilityVersion is reported as version 5.0:

/opt/hth/embedded/bin/mongo --username adminuser --password adminpass --port 4002 --eval "db.adminCommand( { getParameter: 1, featureCompatibilityVersion: 1 } )"

3. Create the version file and then proceed with upgrading HTH.

echo 5.0 > /var/opt/hth/db/mongodb-fcv


  • Create webhooks to notify external services about new commits to repositories.
  • Add support for Ubuntu 22.04.
  • Add support for Rocky 8.
  • Add support for Helix Core 2023.1.
  • Upgrade MongoDB to 6.0.6.
  • Upgrade Git to 2.40.1
  • Upgrade Docker registry to 2.8.2.
  • Upgrade OpenSSL 1.1.1u.
  • Upgrade bundled OpenSSH to 9.3p1.
  • Upgrade Curl to 8.1.2.

Bug Fixes

  • Important security fixes.
  • External authentication link was not visible on the login page.

What's New in Helix TeamHub 2023.1?



Infrastructure Upgrades and Bug Fixes 

See "full release details" for more information.


What's New in Helix TeamHub 2022.2?



Infrastructure Upgrades and Bug Fixes 

See "full release details" for more information.


What’s New in Helix TeamHub 2022.1?



Repository-Level Controls

Refining controls that were previously only available at the company level gives you more granular control.

Code search and file-sharing toggles are now available at a per-repository basis. This helps individual project teams set these preferences independently, which gives project teams more control. Separate repositories within a given project can now have different settings, providing ultimate granularity of control. As a reminder, code search only applies to Git, “Helix Git”, and Mercurial repository types.


Archived Repository Support

Sometimes the number of repositories within a long-lived project can be overwhelming. Now you can easily cut the clutter.

Repositories within a given project can now be archived via repository settings. Archiving a repository puts it into a read-only status, meaning you can still clone the repository, but you cannot submit changes to it. Repositories that are in an archived status can be “unarchived” if needed. Lastly, the list of repositories within a project can be filtered so archived repositories are not shown for enhanced usability. This enhancement does not apply to “Helix Git” repository types.


Code Review Title/Description Auto-Fill for Git and Mercurial

Increase your development velocity with code review auto-fill functionality.

New code reviews titles and descriptions will now auto-fill based on the first commit in the code review. The title will default to the first line in the commit message and the description will default to the rest of the commit message. This default text can be overwritten as desired.  This change speeds up the process of creating new code reviews.  This enhancement only applies to Git and Mercurial repository types.


Helix TeamHub Enterprise Edition Updates When Using Helix Core to Store Git Code

Helix TeamHub is now bundled with your Helix Core license at no extra cost if you are using it with Helix Authentication.

This licensing change was made to make HTH consistent with how Helix Swarm is a free code review offering for assets stored in Helix Core classic/streams depots. Customers can also now utilize the Helix Authentication Service for single sign-on with their preferred Identity Provider (IdP).  In addition, project wikis are now stored natively within the Helix Core graph depot. Finally, to simplify the process of getting up and running, configuring your connection to Helix Core is now done via Helix Core extensions instead of the previously-used trigger functionality.

Helix TeamHub 2021.1


Go faster with Helix TeamHub UI enhancements!

Most Recent Repositories

A new dashboard element has been added to enable users to quickly navigate to their most recently visited repositories, regardless of which project each repository lives in. Up to 24 repositories can be displayed and users will be able to clear the “visit count” for any given repository if they no longer want it to appear in their dashboard. This navigation shortcut eliminates unnecessary clicks and gets developers to the source code they are looking for, faster.

Improved Storage Transparency

The size of each project and repository is now displayed to all users. This includes a breakdown of source code storage vs. file attachment storage (for issues, tasks and code reviews) for projects. In addition, company admins can now run the storage calculation on-demand. This is especially useful for Cloud customers who might inadvertently exceed their allotted storage capacity from time-to-time and need to remove content to get back under their respective limit.

Enhanced Email Templates

The email sender field has been updated to reflect the name and email address of the user who initiated the HTH event – except when a bot is the initiator. The email body has been overhauled for better readability. Updates include making the content rich text, adding hyperlinks to reviews and projects, and changing the overall ordering of content.

Manifest Repository Editor

The HTH UI now supports editing the manifest file. Previously, users of hth-cli could only generate the initial manifest repository file via the HTH UI, with changes then made using the command line. This update makes the editing process both simple and efficient.

Enable/Disable Repository Hooks

You can now disable hooks at a repository level for native Git and SVN repositories. This option will benefit SVN users attempting to import new repositories with a very large number of commits. Disabling the repository hooks prevents the project’s activity feed from filling up with too many events during the import process and speeds up the import process.

Improved Jira Support

Jira Smart Commit functionality now supports referencing a user by their email address or display name for Jira Cloud integration. On-Prem Jira customers can reference a user by their email address, username, or display name.

In addition, referencing a given Jira issue more than one time in a given commit message previously resulted in a new Jira event created per issue reference. This has now been updated to only generate one Jira event per issue regardless of the number of times a given issue is referenced in a commit message. Lastly, Jira Smart Commit functionality now supports multi-line comments in commit messages.

Declutter your Jira experience!

Improved Support

Improved Mercurial Support

Helix TeamHub now supports Mercurial 5.5.1. In addition, there were instances where recent changes were not visible in Mercurial code reviews within Helix TeamHub. This has now been addressed.

Improved Git Support

Helix TeamHub now supports Git 2.28.0.

Improved SVN Support

The “send from author” option for repository email webhooks now supports sending the author’s email address in the hook payload for SVN repositories.

Helix TeamHub Command-Line Client

The Helix TeamHub Client (hth-cli) is now fully supported. Thank you for your feedback. Start executing more commands across your Git repos.

Release Notes   TRY TODAY

Manifest Editor Improvements

You can now edit the HTH manifest in an interactive mode, where you can select new repositories to add into your existing manifest file. Previously you had to manually add all the details of the repository. Some of this information you could only get via our API.

You can also now push any changes you make to the manifest file via a new `hth manifest upload` feature. In addition, you can also create the manifest file via the hth-cli. Just run the “hth init” command without arguments. Spend less time configuring and more time developing! 

Code Review Enhancements

Supporting code reviews via the command line has never been easier. You can checkout standard code reviews as well as multi-repo code reviews (only with Helix4Git) right from the hth-cli.

hth-cli will now warn there are uncommitted changes on the source branch and will ensure there are differing commits in the source vs. destination branches before creating a new multi-repo code review. In addition, a new "--my" flag makes it easy to see which reviews you've either created or are assigned as a reviewer. 

Support for External Git Repositories

With hth-cli, you can easily manage your open source repositories. Now you can add external Git repositories right into your manifest file. Helix TeamHub will exclude them automatically when creating a review. 

Improved Error Handling

Errors can happen when using any command-line tool. To help, hth-cli has improved its overall error handling. You can now run any command with verbose output (debug output) through the addition of a “-v” flag, which can be set permanently inside global and local configs. Less time debugging leads to increased developer velocity.

Lastly, we now support both the ssh and http protocols when accessing repositories stored within HTH. Go faster with hth-cli enhancements!

Cross-Repo CLI for Git [TECH PREVIEW]

Want to perform Git commands across repositories from the command line? Now you can with our cross-repo command-line client (CLI). Specify your configuration in a manifest file and then start running commands like sync, checkout, status, diff, and commit. This can save you time and allow you to do more with each command.

This tool works with both Git —Helix TeamHub Cloud and Enterprise — as well as Helix Authenticated Git (Enterprise only). When used with Helix4Git, you can even initiate multi-repo code reviews right from the command line.

Technology preview features are currently unsupported, with the goal to be fully supported in future releases. Please send your feedback to [email protected].

Start increasing your velocity >>

User Experience Improvements

This release contains a variety of user experience improvements aimed at improving developer productivity. You can now:

  • Define custom initials and colors for projects to more easily identify your work.
  • Create Git branches when linking an issue to a branch, eliminating the need to create the branch first.
  • Add assignees and due dates at the time of issue creation.
  • Define a configurable tab character width for file diffs to enhance code readability.

But there is more. Get all the latest improvements and go faster with Helix TeamHub >>

Wiki Improvements

Using Helix TeamHub for managing Mercurial repositories? No problem. Now you can create a project-based wiki in a Mercurial repository. In addition, no matter what type of wiki you are using, there is a new “quick action” available. This can speed up the process of creating new wiki pages. Less time administering gives your team more time for developing.

Company File-Sharing Settings

All companies are concerned about securing IP. With the latest release you can completely disable the ability to generate temporary and permanent file share links. This setting is managed at the company level, which means it applies to all repositories. You get more control over your IP, securing your code and company reputation.

Code Search Enhancements

Helix TeamHub now supports code search for Mercurial and Helix Git repositories. Code search can be done at the company, project, or individual repo level. You can also now limit code searches by file path or by file name for all repo types where code search is enabled.

This feature was initially released for Git repos in 2019.2 release.

UI Code Edit and Commit for Mercurial Repos

Now you can edit and commit your code in Mercurial repos right from the Helix TeamHub interface.

Seat and Storage Dashboard Widget Enhancements

For cloud accounts, all users will now see a storage used vs. storage available indicator on their main dashboard.  A dismissible banner alert will display once your company has reached 90% of its storage capacity.

Similarly, all cloud and enterprise users will be able to see how many seats are being used vs. seats available on their main dashboard as well.

Accessibility Improvements

Multiple accessibility improvements have been bundled in the release.  For example, tool tips are now discoverable by users who do not use a mouse and there have been various screen reader compatibility enhancements.

Helix TeamHub 2019.2

The 2019.2 release of Helix TeamHub includes features that allow developers to branch, edit Git source code files, and visualize team member’s activity.


Edit Source Code

Make quick changes to code stored in Git repos directly from the Helix TeamHub interface with our new text editor. When you are done with the edit, you can commit your change.

Easily Create a New Branch

Now you can create new branches in the Helix TeamHub web UI. This feature only works with Git, not SVN or HG.

View Individual User Activity

Scroll through an individual’s user activity in the activity stream. You can see all their changes, commits, and reviews.

Additional Admin Features

Filter Your Hooks By Service

You can filter your repository hooks to display by type of service.

View specific links to commits in submodules.

Customize Ticket Expirations

Set up when your tickets to expire in Helix TeamHub. And don’t worry, it prompts users to reauthenticate and saves their in-progress work.

New UI for User Profile Updates

Quickly update user profile settings, and review deactivated accounts. If you are using LDAP, you can use your system to update a user’s profile.

Restrict Adding Collaborators

Limit the people that can invite collaborators to Helix TeamHub.

Enhanced Group Functionality

Search group members to view and change their permissions. You can also authorize Helix Core users, groups, and users from specific groups to access Helix TeamHub.

What’s New in Helix TeamHub 2019.1

The 2019.1 release of Helix TeamHub includes features that empower developers to quickly verify build statuses, revert code reviews, and comment using attachments and emojis.


Build Status For Every Commit

With the new build status icon, you don’t have to leave the Helix TeamHub interface to find out the status of your build. Now it is displayed right next to the commit identifier.

Revert Merged Code Reviews

With Helix4Git repos, you can now revert the changes made by merges with standalone or multi-repo code reviews that were created using the regular merge or squash method.

Add Universal Attachments

Helix TeamHub now supports universal attachments for code reviews, multi-repo code reviews, and comments. You can add a screen shot, movie, or other object to help get your point across.

Syntax Highlighting for Diffs

Quickly view the differences between versions using diffs – now with highlighted syntax that supports 185 languages.  

Comment Using Emojis

​​​​​​​We’ve always supported emojis, but now you can show people how you really feel with emoji reactions in comments.

What’s New in Helix TeamHub 2018.2

The 2018.2 release of Helix TeamHub includes features to streamline your project workflow and help improve the integrity of your code reviews.


Multi-Repo Code Reviews

Multi-Repo code reviews automatically ensure changes to code in multiple repos are reviewed prior to merge. The new interface groups the commits together. Merges can be gated by passing builds and requiring approvals for each of the commits. This is useful for managing dependencies across your code base.

Streamlined Helix4Git Depot Creation

Now it is easier to create new Git Depots in Helix Core Server with the Helix TeamHub interface.   This saves time and steps when setting up a project.

Default Reviewer Groups

Now you can make sure the right team members approve the code reviews of critical projects every time with default reviewer groups.

What's New in Helix TeamHub 2018.1

With the 2018.1 release, Helix TeamHub brings new capabilities for DevOps at scale and added flexibility for code review and developer workflows.


DevOps Acceleration, Now With Enhanced Management

Available in Helix TeamHub Enterprise only.

Helix4Git is the feature in Helix TeamHub Enterprise that powers large scale, accelerated DevOps and enables up to 150% faster builds than Git servers. Now, with the 2018.1 release, you can fully control and manage all the enterprise capabilities of Helix4Git from TeamHub’s elegant browser-based user interface.

Support for Federated Architecture

Available in Helix TeamHub Enterprise only.

Federated Architecture is Perforce server technology that significantly reduces workflow latency across the development pipeline by allowing remote teams to access and manage files at LAN speed. With the 2018.1 release, Helix TeamHub Enterprise customers can now take advantage of this unique technology for their Git-based projects.

Manage Docker Registries Directly From Helix TeamHub

Helix TeamHub 2018.1 now adds Docker container registries to its list of multiple repository support. Create a Docker registry inside a project like any other repository, manage its permissions, and take control of your code assets, build artifacts, and Docker images all under one platform.

Force Merge for Project Administrators

At times, code reviews can be a roadblock to merging changes to the mainline. With Helix TeamHub 2018.1, project administrators can bypass the acceptance criteria and merge the changes regardless of what state the review is in.

Nested Groups From Microsoft Active Directory

Available in Helix TeamHub Enterprise only.

If you are using Active Directory as your authentication method with Helix TeamHub Enterprise, you now have the ability to include members from subgroups in Active Directory groups.

View License Information from the Web App

Wonder if you’re reaching your seat or data limit?  Helix TeamHub 2018.1 includes the ability to see license information right from the web application.

Tune Timeout Settings on Instance Level

Available in Helix TeamHub Enterprise only.

Are you routinely pushing extremely large changesets or doing a one-time migration but can’t use SSH protocol for one reason or another? In either case, Helix TeamHub Enterprise allows you to tweak the timeout settings for your instance.

Task Comments Inside Code Reviews

First Available in November 2017 Cloud Update

When conducting code reviews, sometimes you want to ensure your comments have been addressed before the code is merged. You no longer have to wonder whether your team members have implemented the fixes you requested. Simply mark a comment as a task that the author has to address before the changes can be merged.

Threaded Comments for Code Reviews and Issues

First Available in November 2017 Cloud Update

When a discussion contains multiple people and messages, it can be hard to grasp the context. To overcome that problem, Helix TeamHub now offers the functionality to have threaded conversations inside code reviews and issues.

Default Reviewers

First Available in November 2017 Cloud Update

To streamline the administration of code reviews, it’s best practice to automate assigning reviewers and Helix TeamHub does just that. Repository owners can now set default reviewers to code reviews, who will automatically be assigned to new reviews.

Enforce Reviewers

First Available in November 2017 Cloud Update

The Helix TeamHub 2018.1 release now allows users to control who can assign reviewers and approve code changes. When this functionality is applied, only administrators and master roles can assign reviewers and only the assigned reviewers can grant an approval to the respective code review.

Reset Code Review Approvals on Changes to Feature Branch

First Available in November 2017 Cloud Update

There are times when we want an extremely tight grip on code reviews. You may want to trigger a new round of approvals before new changes to the feature branch can be merged. Helix TeamHub 2018.1 now allows you to configure code reviews to automatically reset the approvals when new changes are pushed to the feature branch under review.

What’s New in Helix TeamHub 2017.2

With the 2017.2 release, Helix TeamHub continues to deliver Git at Scale for enhanced developer collaboration and unprecedented CI/CD performance.


Image Release Helix TeamHub 2017.2 What's New

Deploy Helix TeamHub Enterprise On-Premises

Helix TeamHub 2017.2 now offers an on-premises installation package for enterprises who need instant scale and high-performance CI/CD. Powered by Helix4Git, TeamHub Enterprise leverages Helix versioning engine to store Git data natively so that enterprise teams can deploy Git at massive scale.

Expandable Diffs

Helix TeamHub now supports the ability to expand diffs as far out as you need in all diff views to gain added context when your team members make code changes. Expandable diffs also increase workflow efficiency, eliminating the need to jump between the command line and Helix TeamHub web UI.

Control Diff Limits

Available in Helix TeamHub Enterprise only.

Certain changesets can be extremely large. To optimize performance when working with diffs and code reviews, Helix TeamHub comes with predefined limitations on diff limits and portions of that diff are not displayed. In Helix TeamHub Enterprise 2017.2, you can configure fine-grained limits for your changesets using the “hth.json” configuration file. Configure limits for maximum number of files, number of lines, size of the file in a diff, and timeout for generating the diff.

Code Review Listing Improvements

Glean more meaningful and actionable information about your code reviews. Helix TeamHub 2017.2 now shows the number of approvals, build status, and reviewers assigned to code reviews. With this information at your fingertips, you’ll know at a glance what state your review is in.

Support for LargeFiles in Mercurial repositories

Storing large binary files to Mercurial and Git repositories is painful. That’s why Git and Mercurial each have alternative ways to store them. In Mercurial, one such alternative is LargeFiles, a native extension that is delivered with Mercurial, but needs to be enabled separately. You can enable the LargeFiles extension for Mercurial repositories in TeamHub 2017.2.

Support for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

Available in Helix TeamHub Enterprise only.

Helix TeamHub 2017.2 now supports Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. Helix TeamHub 2017.2 no longer supports Ubuntu 12.

Builds from Replicas/Edges

Available in Helix TeamHub Enterprise only.

It is now possible to use Perforce Helix federated architecture with Helix4Git to build/sync Git repositories from edge servers, or replicas at remote locations, at LAN speed without putting any operational load on the master server or negatively impacting developer productivity.

The result is faster Continuous Integration (CI) feedback on build results for complex projects that span multiple Git repos.

Remote Site Warm, Always Up-to-Date Git Cache

Available in Helix TeamHub Enterprise only.

The new gconn poll-repos command will sync down any updates to a list of repos mentioned in the "ExternalAddress" field of the Helix TeamHub-Helix4Git server spec. Run the command manually or as a cron-job to keep repos updated with any new changes in the central server, resulting in faster clones and fetches from remote locations.

Additional Enhancements

You can now configure your webhook content type via dropdown menu instead of a text field. The layout selection for listing issues is now preserved in browser localStorage. Additionally, you can create relative links to the Helix TeamHub instance in question using Markdown syntax.

What’s New in Helix TeamHub 2017.1

Helix TeamHub 2017.1 unites repositories and streamlines enterprise code review and collaboration on a single platform.


Set Default Reviewers for Your Code Reviews

Helix TeamHub 2017.1 makes it possible to set default reviewers in Git and Mercurial repositories. Adding default reviewers allow you to streamline your review workflow by automatically assigning the correct team members when new reviews arise. Designated reviewers see code reviews they’ve been assigned from the dashboard upon login.

Filter Your Code Reviews by Assignee

Find the right code review right away. Conveniently filter your or someone else’s code reviews without opening each review and seeing who has been assigned as a reviewer.While other repository management solutions are repo-centric, TeamHub is project focused and supports managing multiple repositories within a single project.

Updated Backend

Important backend upgrades provide greater security and increased performance while also setting Helix TeamHub up for exciting additions in the future. Notably, Helix TeamHub no longer requires a custom-built OpenSSH package.With a modern, intuitive user interface, TeamHub helps teams manage all their projects in a unified view, whether in the Cloud or on-premises.

Last but Not Least

This release boasts several smaller enhancements to enable smoother browsing in projects, Wikis, and issue listings.TeamHub offers hundreds of ready-made webhooks and integrations out-of-the-box, as well as developer freedom to design your own integrations with 100% public API coverage.