What Surround SCM Does
Manage Assets throughout the Product Lifecycle
Flexible branching gives you complete control of how you manage releases and track configurations. With a variety of branch types, Surround SCM makes it possible to manage any project without forcing a specific process or methodology on your team.
Smart branches also retain extensive linking history, alleviating manual merge pain and ensuring that automatic code merges are right the first time.

Use Built-In Code Review
Surround SCM comes with built-in code review. Comments are tracked with the file and can be reviewed for future reference. You can also integrate code review as part of your development workflow. This means you can block files from being checked into your build branch until they've passed the review.

Find Text Fast
The find-in-file feature makes it fast and easy to find text in text files, as well as Word, Excel, PDF, and even OpenOffice documents. Wildcards and regular expression support increase the odds you'll find the text you seek.

See Beyond "Checked In"
Know the true status of your files in the change process. With Surround SCM, you'll:
- Know whether a file you're including in the build was code reviewed.
- Ensure design documents went through the review process.
- Control who can make changes to reviewed and approved files.
Surround SCM's configurable workflows let you define, control, and track the individual state of files undergoing change.

Create Reports
Surround SCM helps you keep management updated. Start with reusable filters to cut through the clutter and find the valuable stuff. Then choose from a variety of detail, history, trend, and differences reports. The RDBMS is also well-documented, so you can use other reporting tools if needed.