Atlassian has announced its initiative to transition its users to the cloud and end support for all server products on February 2, 2024. Ahead of that, it will stop selling new server licenses on February 2, 2021.
If you are not able to use Atlassian’s Cloud solutions, or you are in generally interested in life without Jira – then this presentation is for you. Learn how the evolution of planning tools has shaped functional capabilities that we now demand from a planning and tracking solution. Understand how scope, risk, value, time, quality, and cost factor into the efficacy of your ideal Jira alternative. Also, see what various migration strategies look like, and get an overview of two tools with Jira equivalencies that are easy to migrate to so you can keep your data on premise.
Interested in one of the featured tools? Watch an on-demand demo of either or both.
HELIX PLAN (FORMERLY HANSOFT) Agile Planning Demo HElix ALM Requirements, Issues, & Test Management Demo