Fixed bugs
7630 | Client hang when dragging a scheduled task in timeline | Severity B |
7696 | Too many items are selected after entering and removing a find query or report in the QA view | Severity B |
6222 | Pasting multiple times causes the new items to adapt their indentation level in the hierarchy to the level of the original item | Severity C |
7260 | Rounding errors in the decimal part of user sprint allocations | Severity C |
7701 | QA users, ghost users and deleted users are not selected after choosing a group in the "User" dimension filter in a dashboard chart | Severity C |
7629 | Wrong number of selected items reported in bug lists when using find and "Show completed" is turned off | Severity D |
7686 | The report criterion "Priority Tag" is obsolete | Severity D |
The Hansoft 10.1011 server is compatible with shares from versions 10.1008 and higher.
The Hansoft 10.1011 release comes with a new version of the LDAP integration, with support for logging in to the Web To-do. Instructions on how to get started are available here: Hansoft Web To-Do Guide