Important note for OS X clients
If you have upgraded your Hansoft server (any OS) to 9.2051 and any OS X user does not see the login screen when trying to connect to the server, delete this folder from the server: <Hansoft Server Directory>\ServerSync\Client\OSX10.7\x64\\Contents\Resources\qt_menu.nib, and restart the server. This should resolve the login problem.
The Hansoft A3 9.2051 server is compatible with shares from versions 9.2046 and higher.
New Features
Reset user config: Users can now reset the user config from the ‘My personal options…’ menu. This can be used to reset popup warning settings.
Fixed Issues
# 36908 | Client crash on OS X and Linux due to memory management problem. | Severity B |
# 6875 | Dashboard chart cannot traverse more than two dropdown column changes, to show historical data. | Severity B |
# 6861 | Client crash when changing a shared report. | Severity B |