
The Hansoft 9.2093 server is compatible with shares from versions 9.2046 and higher.

New features

Optional to add comments when attaching files
When adding, editing or deleting documents (for example adding attachments to items), comments are no longer required.
This behaviour can be changed in Document policy in the Admin tab.

Clickable commit icons
The icons on committed backlog items and bugs are now clickable:
– When clicked in Backlog/Quality assurance, goes to the item in the planning view.
– When clicked in the planning view, goes to the item in Backlog/Quality assurance.

Fixed Issues

# 7127The user object count in Windows increases fast when refreshing dashboard charts repeatedlySeverity B
# 7101Project name is missing in time reports, when reporting time on a task and the task has been chosen automaticallySeverity C
# 7130When setting a default activity for new rows in the time sheet, it is shown on all task rows in time sheet reportsSeverity C

Download the latest version of Hansoft here.