New Web To-Do Features
- Light and dark theme. You can now change between light and dark theme in the user menu at the top right.
- Show pipeline parent task name on items in a pipeline. To get more context for items inside a pipeline, the name of the main pipeline item is now shown both in the list view and in item details.
- Filters in the list view improved and moved to the top.
Web To-Do Bug Fixes
- 7683: "Unique identifier is not valid" exception prevents the ProjectSprints subscription from running
- 41878: Need to manually refresh the browser when running a new version of the web client
- 41989: Committed bugs show bug priority at the top, even though they show sprint priority in the list view
- 42151: Columns configured with "Members with delegated rights and main managers" permissions, cannot be edited for uncommitted bugs
- 42257: Work remaining is visible in the list view for scheduled tasks
- 42295: It is possible to change the name of pipeline steps in the web To-Do
Hansoft Web Service 10.1009 requires Hansoft Server 10.1008 or later.