Major Enhancements
#503378,505074 (Bug #054914) Auto sync when workspace switches or client changes. Preference pages have been added to control the behavior of sync.
#519858 (Bug #059393) Long-running operations such as submit and sync now report progress. This requires server version 2012.1 or higher. However, cancellation of submit/sync does not work for this release.
Minor Enhancements
#514743,514911,515302 (Bug #058773) Connections and projects now support decorations for Sandbox and Stream.
#507516 (Bug #053638, Bug #054917) Context menu "Copy to stream" and "Merge to stream" are now available to connections to Sandbox server.
#508480 (Bug #053639) Context menu "Pull from the central server" is available to Sandbox mirror stream.
#510846 (Bug #054913) On copy or merge to stream, user now can reuse the current workspace and switch to target stream. A preference page is also available.
#495849,495953,500589,510846,513937 (Bug #057129, Bug #058865) The import wizard now supports importing subfolders as top-level projects.
#508480 (Bug #053639) Context menu "Pull from the central server" is available to Sandbox mirror stream.
Bug Fixes
#512223 (Bug #057229) Resolve now works with conflicts caused by unshelving.
#516328 (Bug #058077) Revision information now can be displayed correctly when connecting to read-only replicas.
#511434,511555 (Bug #058673) Renaming operation now shows the <move/add> revisions, in addition the <move/delete> revisions.
#506527 (Bug #058800) Folder diff now works with labels.
#500391 (Bug #058489) Fixed NPE when import a project into a fresh new folder.
#513636,513644,513651,513659,513995 (Bug #046299) Symbolic links are now supported: 1) submitting a symbolic link to a file will submit the link to the server. 2) submitting a symbolic link to a folder will submit all contents in the folder to the server.
#602388,602073,601754 (Bug #063556) User now can create a connection without password, if he already has a valid authentication ticket.