
#975733 (Bug #74329) * Integrate Swarm functionality into P4VS. Includes the following new features:

#975733 (Bug #74328) * Request a Swarm review for a changelist in the Pending changelist tool window or submitted changelist tool window

#975733 (Bug #74327) * Update a Swarm review with a changelist in the Pending changelist tool window or submitted changelist tool window

#975733 (Bug #74328) * Open a Swarm review in the Swarm browser from Pending changelist tool window or submitted changelist tool window

#975733 (Bug #74303) * Badge changelist associated with a Swarm review in the lists in the Pending changelist tool window and submitted changelist tool windows. Add columns to display the Review ID and Review State.

#975238 (Bug #76316) * A new option has been added to the depot browser to use Perforce environment variables to connect to the server.

#975238 (Bug #76317) * Get Latest Revision and Remove from Workspace actions can now be performed on items in the depot browser.