Changes to System Requirements

  • Hansoft 10.2011 drops support for all 32-bit operating systems for the native client.
  • Hansoft 10.2011 adds support for MacOS Catalina
  • The Hansoft native client on Linux now requires libxkbcommon-x11.

Fixed bugs

8049Logging in is slow when there are very many ghost users
5370Comments with images may flicker in the native client
5547Japanese half-width characters cause wrong vertical alignment on MacOS
41841Moving a card on a board does not update the Board Column and Board Lane fields in the web item details
39445Gantt does not react to mouse clicks, and menus are misplaced, after a scaling change on MacOS
7443The input method menu on MacOS shows up in the wrong place on boards
39314Hansoft client icon shows in the system tray on Windows
39214Minimized client windows on MacOS High Sierra may still show as gray windows after you log out
7527Client crash when entering planning view on MacOS


The Hansoft 10.2011 server is compatible with shares from versions 10.2011 and higher.


Hansoft 10.2011 comes with a new version of the Hansoft SDK.