Major Enhancements
#461255,463437,462090 (Bug #055128, Bug #055103) P4Eclipse Now supports Eclipse version 4.2 and mylyn 3.8
#468016,463437, (Bug #055484) Connection wizard can now validate the server setting, and prevent the user from flipping to next page unless server setting is valid. User can choose whether or not to import projects when creating new connection. The importing projects wizard will not show deleted folders.
Minor Enhancements
#463282 (Bug #055566) Sharing of projects now uses the project location instead of project name as target folder. The sharing project wizard also give users the choice to leave resources outside of the Perforce client instead of moving them under Perforce client.
#470897 (Bug #042451) Support for P4HOST variable. To set the P4HOST variable, either set the environment variable P4HOST (For example, export P4HOST=123.456.789.0) or in the the preference page, Preference>Team>Perforce>Advanced, set P4HOST properties, (For example, name: P4HOST value: 123.456.789.0), then restart Eclipse to make it affect.
Bug Fixes
#468016 (Bug #034070) User can define key bindings for diff against depot action, specific to P4 Pending Changelist view.
#470586 (Bug #024529) User can use access keys to invoke many frequently used commands.
#470586,468016 (Bug #042610, 051476) User can customize the keybindings for most of commands under the Perforce category.
#476350 (Bug #051572) Performance improvements when reverting changelists with large numbers of files.
#478387 (Bug #053087) Improve speed of submitting large changelists.
#478375 (Bug #053437) User can now submit changelist in background.
#473066 (Bug #044812) User can now save changelist description in Perforce Change Specification dialog.
#472153 (Bug #048232) Jobs removed from a changelist won't change their status after the change is submitted.