Hello, my name is Fernando Kramer. I am with Perforce (formerly Seapine Software). And in this video, I would like to talk about Automatic traceability with Helix ALM (formerly TestTrack). 

First, let's talk about why you might need traceability. You may need traceability because your customers demand it. They want you to show them how you implement and validate your requirements. You may have compliance mandates that require you to prove traceability into your development environment. You may be simply looking to improve how your company responds to changes in your requirements. You may also need a way to easily determine test coverage. Lastly, you may be simply looking to improve their overall quality of the product you develop.  
Now, let's talk about some of the challenges you may encounter when you're trying to shift traceability. If you're using different tools, they typically don't automate the linking of artifacts. And this requires the manual effort to create and update those links. This will result in the links not being created or kept up-to-date. Helix ALM will automatically link those artifacts for you. 

Now let's take a look at Helix ALM, and specifically the requirement document. Here, I have a business requirement and I need to create a functional requirement that will describe how I'm going to implement the business requirement. Here I'm going to create it in the document, and by doing so, it's going to automatically create a relationship between the two requirements. So, here's the function requirement, and I'm adding the summary. I’m going to add some details to the description. Fill in some of these fields here, and then let’s add some values. And finish by clicking on Add, so now the requirement is in the document, and as I mentioned, a relationship has been established between the two requirements.

Now I'm going to generate a test case to validate the requirement. As you can see here, they will be automatically linked. When the test case is generated, data is copied over from the requirement to the test case. Here you just need to fill out a couple more fields, the type field. And I'm going to just add a couple of steps. So, now let's execute the test. And I need to do two things here. First using the workflow, I'm going to approve the test case for use. And second, I'm going to generate a test run, which is an instance of a test case that allows me to document the results of the test execution. Here, you just fill out some details about the test run to generate it. 

And now let's look at the test run. So here it is, and it's, like I mentioned, an instance of the test case and now let's enter the result of the test. In this instance, we're going to fail the test. And since it failed, I'm going to create an issue. Just like with the requirement in the test case, data is copied from the test case to the issue. Again, I just fill a couple of fields, and I'm done.

Now let's look at a report based on the requirement document. Here we have the business requirement that we looked at in the beginning of this video. If we expand it, we see the functional requirement we created. Under it, is a test case we generated along with the test run. And under the test run, we see the issue. All of these artifacts will automatically link by simply using the tool. At no point did I need to manually link anything. If you have any other questions, visit our website.